Best Value Belmont r1 Frantic War ; Has race experience and a good barrier , both worth their weight in gold in 2yo racing. $10 / $3.20 looks the right price to have an each way bet . Go Plucka!

Best Roughie Belmont r1 It’s All A Rumour ; Also having a small each way bet on this as it was luckless on debut and only finished 3 lengths off the winner. Looks overs.

Race 1 Trifecta ; Boxing numbers 1 2 3 4 for $24 . Sticking with the race experience and going around the rest who are all on debut.

Best Bet Belmont r7 No Dice ; Ran straight past a long odds on favourite first up . Night’s Mystery will run them along , Belmont is a hard track to lead and win at this summer . State of Power has the right 2yo form , I prefer to see them reproduce it when back as a 3yo hence sticking with No Dice.

Belmont r12 Gambler’s Gold ; Backed up it’s first up maiden win with a fast finishing 2nd with limited room to move. Drawn to get it soft and with a little more room can make amends. Both trainer and jockey are on fire.

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