Best Bet Mount Barker r7 Classic Jack ; Granted it’s a rapid step up in class for a $2.50 favourite however it simply gets too good a run not to tip. Will be tucked in right on top of the speed set by Corporate Larrikin and Deel Red. One will tire late and I prefer red when he gets his own way in front. Mr Pago has the senior rider back on and looks the value in the race. With Chris Parnham coming down for the ride and Roy Rogers dominating the great southern season , I’m willing to pay the tax on the odds . 100% wins with a 10/90 % small saver on Mr Pago.

R7 Novelties

1st ; 2 6 ,

2nd ; 2 5 6 ,

3rd ; 1 2 4 5 6 8

4th ; field

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