Best Bet Ascot r8 Kissonallforcheeks ; Thought she was vulnerable from the wide draw first up however her class shone through. Put the race to bed very quickly. Again drawn poorly in a deeper race , I still think she has the class to round them up in the small field.
Best Value Ascot r9 Guns Of Navarone ; Dropping from a midfield finish at listed level to a 66+. Getting 3kg off for Laqdar Ramoly almost feels like cheating so well is he riding at the moment. Looks amazing each way value at the moment.
Ascot r5 Big Bada Boom ; Has won 4/6 , all in the great southern region. His trainer is on fire all over WA and the ease of his victories suggest he can handle the rise to Metro Saturday racing.
Please Gamble Responsibly.