Best Value Northam r8 Arnie’s Boy ; I put his race record of only 4 wins but a further 20 placings and $223k in stakes down to his racing pattern. He generally races best when doing nothing early then flooding home when the race is all over. He is extremely well weighted after the claim and at $14 / $3.60 I suggest a 25/75 % split of stake. Actually have Far Too Strong on top but can’t accept $3 win compared to the each way value. Track pattern will be vital to Arnie’s chances.

Best Bet Northam r9 Spritely Star ; Granted Buzzoom looks very hard to beat but 1400m is a big query for me where as it’s looks further the better for Spritely . Being first up , the market will tell the story for us but Peter’s Investments has taken a ridiculously strong team up and this could well cap off a big day . Hopefully we can jump on the #PIKEINTHELAST bandwagon.

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