Best Bet Ascot r6 On The Turps ; Watching his replays you would think he is stuck in groundhog day. Gets a long way back and rockets home to catch the eye. His track record of 17 starts for 1 win and 1 3rd tells you he is a tease. His runs this prep have been better and he is weighted , drawn to run a race in an even, limited field for a Saturday. Each Way.
Ascot r3 Son Of A God ; You don’t need me to tell you a $1.95 fav is a good chance of winning. I’m simply advising that the price i acceptable. Very smart horse who has been winning as he likes. Toughest test but will reach a higher level .
Ascot Early Quaddie (r3-6); 1 , 2 3 4 5 7 8 , 4 7 9 10 , 4 12 . $48 for 100%
Ascot Quaddie (r7-10); 1 4 5 6 7 8 13, 4 , 1 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 , 3 6 8 11 . $224 for 100%
Ascot r8 Tuscan Queen ; As suggested on Oaks day she will turn up in the Derby at similar odds and win again.
Please Gamble Responsibly.