Best Bet Belmont r2 Rebel Knight; Took a very highly rated, expensive purchase to run him down last start in similar conditions. Jockey is on fire.

Belmont r3 State Prosecutor; I boldly step back in to this fellow's corner after like many, being burnt previously. A couple of 2nds to Come Play With Me is not to be sneezed at. I find the price differential 0f $1.55 for stablemate Red Army vs $2.40  bewildering, especially with Pike staying loyal to the Peters camp.

Belmont Early Quaddie (r1-4); 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 14, 2, 2 4, 4 5 6 8 $72 for 100%

Doomben r1 Jadentom; In a race with 4 horses very close in betting she has the superior good track record and should be out in front.

Flemington r7 Home Of The Brave; Import who has trial watchers salivating for his Aussie Debut. Missed the price but still backable.


Doomben r3 Ef Troop

w Rebel win and Jaden place $4.64

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