Best Bet York r3 Amber Glow; Forget last start where she had to be re shod and pass a vets exam at the gates. Back to maiden grade she gets another chance.

Sandown r1 Silence The Stars; Should be approaching peak fitness 3rd up and gets it's chance to finish over the top with the extra furlong.

Sandown r7 Esperance; Gate 1 /1000m may not be  ideal first up but if it pans out ok it has too much ability for these.

Oakbank r6 Antipas; Has slowly improved in SA to a level that should be too good here.

Rosehill r8 Sophiella; 2 from 2 so far and last win was soft. Harder here but untapped and races on speed.


Oakbank r4 Now and Zen

York r6 Five Degrees

with Amber $5.26, with Antipas $5.26, with both $11.57

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