Best Bet Belmont r4 Bells Tower; Is the clear class over the 1000m distance of the race and after the 3kg claim is weighted to win.  A negative is it's track record of 13 starts for no wins and 6 minor placings.  I'm first to admit I'm hopeless at taking the right price but I'm reluctant to take the $3.10 currently on offer, thinking it will drift out. Yeah Dardy is the clear danger, has run some promising races in it's brief career and won a trial by 6 lengths recently.  Definitely worth a saver or smaller bet.

Instead of tipping more races today I am going to try and maximize profits on the one race with the following;

Main win bet Bells Tower, Small win bet Yeah Dardy, .

First Four; 2 9, 2 3 5 6 7 9, s2 , s2, $40 for 33.33%

The way I bet is always make sure if your best bet wins you end up with a profit, even if the rest lose.  I'll leave the maths with you if you decide to follow.