Best Bet Mooney Valley r5 Ellicazoom; Wa filly who has gone down narrowly in two runs in Melbourne and finds a much easier race to break through.  Should lead for a long way, the last bit stepping up to 1600m the test.

Mooney Valley r7 Star Turn; 3yo who has gone down fighting in the two Flemington big group 1 sprints.  Not as well suited at weights but drawn perfectly.  Hopefully sits on WA speedster Sheidel and goes bang.  The other WA runner Rock Magic absolutely flies fresh and will be swooping hard. At $9 worth at least a saver.

Quaddie (r5-8)  1 4, 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10, 6 13, 5 cost $32 @ 100%