Best Bet York r5 Trap for Fools; Having a good prep and has more upside than these, will be up on speed and hard to run down.

Ballarat r1 Mr Hamilton; It's debut run only has to be matched/improved slightly to win this.

Gosford r5 Ruler; It's debut was behind very smart horses.  Has trialed well under a hold for return.

Multi ; Trap and Hamilton win, Ruler place $7.07 (tabtouch)

York Quaddie (r5-8); The meeting is dominated by Peter's odds on favs. I remember a similar meeting last year with most of them going down. York is a tricky track, not handled by many horses. If they do all win then the quaddie will be very short.

2, field, 2 4, 8 $24 for 100%

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